It was an ordinary enough cake mix, seemingly harmless. It beamed its Betty Crocker-ed box-front up at Chad and Julie, winking at them, lovingly inviting them to open it up and create. So, they did. Julie cut the bag open, dumped it into the bowl, and then Chad added the water. He glanced responsibly at the back of the box and, nodding dutifully, he went for the shiny, yellow canola oil in the revolving island under the counter.
"Does it really say 1 and 1/2 cups of oil, Chad? On the box? That seems like a lot."
"Julie...(slightly ruffled sigh)...I read the box, Julie. The box says 1 and 1/2. I read it."
Chad moved to the sink, holding the metal measuring utensil and bottle of oil with a purpose. A simian smile covered his face as, with eerie relish, he poured the greasy liquid into the cup.
"Ok, eggs. Eggs are next," he said, as he slid towards the refrigerator.
Julie had picked up the red, empty box, and turned it around to view its misleadingly simple instructions. Her hands shook in blind, sweaty terror, as she screamed,
"Chad...Chad! It's half a cup! I told you!"
"Julie...wait, what does oil even do? Look it up."
Julie's computer sat on the counter, and she ran to it, running with all the cupcake-hope in her soul. Wikipedia, as it always does, came to the rescue, and it gave the two pioneers of unknown culinary territory some fresh hope. Oil seemed only to be an additive to spread the other flavors around, so they figured that their cupcakes might just be a little more flavorful. Who doesn't want that? The troopers returned to their bowl at the other side of the kitchen, hoping, praying, knowing that the cupcakes would be all right. They would be safely nestled in their crinkly paper cups in no time.
After a sad attempt to siphon some oil off the top liquid layer of the batter
With a wave, a grimace, and a lot of tears, our two young friends sent their membrany, smelly, oily, unforgiving mess down the drain.
A tall friend named Brett joined the two, as well as Jenny Lynn, who had put down the recorder for a time, and all decorated the branny-cinnamon-cupcake-muffins in a frenzy of marshmallows, sprinkles, frosting, and light.
The little guy on the lower right-hand side is Alex, but I'm sure anyone who's anyone knew that already. Chad did an absolutely beautiful job. And then he started crying.
WHOA! I haven't seen him in agesss!
*and i think we should never bake together because that would be a catastrophe. i am much worse
I love you.
that is so funny- and you are an excellent writer! and honestly never cook with lauren, she is not exaggerating!
He realy started crying? Haha, that's awesome. :)
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