Sunday, May 9, 2010

All my ladies


thank you for teaching me the value of food, how to perfectly scramble an egg, how to keep a clean house; thank you for hugging me and telling me stories about dating college men when you were fourteen. Thank you for not killing me for spilling multiple stuffs on your carpet throughout my entire existence, for letting me read at the table, and for secretly laughing when I make inappropriate comments in public. Your unconditional love is something I will always strive for! Your example and no-nonsense approach have taught me how to live my life.
thank you for always being so interested in my life and believing I can do anything. Thank you for making me tea and for your intuition. Your intelligence amazes me and I will always keep caught up on world news because I want to be like you. You make me laugh until my stomach hurts with your dry humor, I can't wait to come visit you this week.
You have been through so much and are so strong and remarkable because of it. One classy broad!
thank you for teaching me style, teaching me love, for letting me play your piano and giving me chocolate-covered raisins, and for not letting my parents bring my newborn self into your house until you had changed into a nicer blouse to meet me. Thank you for your sweet and exemplary marriage, and your straight-up elegance. Can't wait to see you again. 
 and the Vickster...
Mom, I love you. I could not have gotten through last year without you. Thank you for pushing me and being proud of me, and for teaching me pure charity. Your faith in the Savior and in the gospel will never cease to amaze me. Thank you for your listening ear, your advice, and your understanding. I love you and your pirate face.

(one day I will learn to keep clothes folded in drawers. I promise.)


Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the mommas in your life and all the wonderful mommas out there!! Loved this post. probably my favourite mother's day post so far.

Liesl said...

I love this. I love you. And my mom. I vaguely know your mother, but I love her too.

rachaelgking said...

Gorgeous pics :-)

Brittany said...

this is a really neat tribute. and the greatest photos.

Anonymous said...

And Julie... I have an award waiting for you in my blog!!